Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Closing Amsterdam Coffee Shops and Brothels

What are people thinking these days all they think when they hear marijuana or sex, is that it isn't right right, it's a drug, stoner, or on the sex issue usually a protestitute, whore, bitch, slut, etc. But ill tell you Marijuana is not a drug, it is a damn plant, I mean really if you think about it God put it hear for a reason, it grows from the earth wild and is not processed into anything than what it is; unlike coke or other processed chemical drugs. The thing is Amsterdam is the one place people can go and get high legally and have sex legally with a girl for money, and has been tolerated for centuries here. Now officials are on a War path to clean up the city and they think closing down coffee shops and brothels will answer their question, well the answer is no it won't, there is crime everywhere and stopping a bunch of stoners and protestitutes isn't going to solve anything, just hurt alot of tourists and business.

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